Bird’s Eye View of Nice

Having explored all the nooks and crannies of the Old Town in Nice we passed some lovely fishermen’s cottages and made our way to the Colline du Chateau. This is right at the eastern end of the Promenade des Anglais, once a fortified bastion but now (I read) the perfect place to see Nice from on high.

Not much left of the ruined castle, just some crumbling walls but what you do get from up here is the most incredible view of the port.

We took the steps on the way down – great views of the Promenade des Anglais and the city stretching out along the sea are too good to miss in the lift and going down is not so bad.

After that a quick dash through the city to the station to catch our train back to Cannes – just enough time for one last splash in the fountains at the Place Massena.

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